Monday, May 7


I guess there is always a situation that makes me wanna write a column, this column.
My columns are always full of feelings, real feelings, and since all my really good friends are so far away to sit down and tell them what bothers me, then I just sit down and wrote it to you. Yes, to you who read this…
Few days ago our (our?! - guys always like to say that wags aren’t a part of the team) team won and because it was really an important match, trainer promise to players a few days off in the next week, if they win.
I was already happy, making a plans for this few free days, whether planning small holidays or for travel away to search our new apartment.
And I know that also other wags made plans. Some of them wanted to do a little tour around big cities, some wanted to drive back home and some just wanted to enjoy free days with their guy and family.
And then “bang” from middle of the nowhere – guys decided to use this free days to spend their “manschaft kasse” money and to go (as every year) on the trip to Mallorca. Alone, of course!
Is that pissing me off? Yes! Do I understand them? Yes.
Why I DO understand them: I know that it has been a hard season behind them, that they have had lots of “ups and downs” and that they really fight for everything. I understand that is exhausting to train everyday 2 x per day, that is exhausting to travel a lot in uncomfortable bus, that there is a lot of stress behind all the matches, no matter won or lost ones. And yes, for god sake I understand they want few days off, consummating abnormal quantities of alcohol, without anybody to yell at them when they are drunk, when they are trying to jump from a hotel balcony in the pool or whatever stupid things they do… Okay I am joking for this last one… am I? :D
And yes, I understand that they have to spend money they earned with all sins that they did through season – because “manschaft kasse” is exactly that.
Internal agreement in every club (at least in Kiel and Gummersbach is so) that a player have to pay when he do something wrong: f.e. 10 minutes late to training 30€, wrong colour of shirt wearing for the match 10€,  … so you can calculate that in whole season there is a nice amount of money available for enjoying a solo trip to warm places. So, yes I understand them and maybe (for sure) I would do the same thing and go on shor “runaway”.
Let’s put beside that our guys don’t have a lot of free days (especially the ones playing for nation team) and that wags, we are always happy when we can do something together, when there are free days just for us. And let’s put beside that in our club all the “parties”, “trips” in last season were for team members only (no female included). So we kinda always flip out…
So, here comes the reason why I am a little bit (but really little bit) pissed off..
I can’t help myself not to think about – what would happened if the guys would have to pay to us, wags everytime a “manschaft kasse” for the times when we are left home alone in foreign country so they can party “team only”, every time when we have to wait for them in VIP among unknown people for hours so they can drink beer with his team mates, every time they forget to tell us that there is something club is organizing expecting we so or so, don’t have any plans, every time they bring home amount of stinking, sweaty clothes they forgot in their bags for days expecting they will be clean and smelly next day, every time when we shout up because we know that he is in stress because of trainings, trainer, team mate, manager, club, … every time when they take it for credit that we left everything behind and move with them.
Maybe then we would have our “manschaft kasse” and maybe then we wouldn’t have problems with knowing they are going alone to Mallorca, maybe than they would have problems – us – going alone somewhere :D And than maybe we, wags would drink enormous amounts of Prosecco (with some strawberry smoothie), jump in the hotel pool in our favourite dress, smiling and singing while walking down the street when first sun comes up…

But hey… I am forgetting that I am living in a men world… in a man world that someone said it wouldn’t mean anything without a women or a girl in it.  

And in the end – no matter how much pissed off, they will go (because I guess every each of them say to his wife “I can’t be the only one not going”) and we will stay at home... and we will accept that fact and we will kiss him for goodbye…
We will know that this is just the way it is… but never lost a hope that maybe next season we will be the one packing our suitcases.

P.s.: I just bought ticket today - tomorrow I am flying on little holidays @ La côte d'Azur ;) And in the end I will even appreciate this "team only" vacation :D


  1. I feel you, za fante je vedno vse tko samoumevno,blabla.. max.uživaj v Franciji,si zaslužiš ;) xxx

    1. Je kr povsod ista pesem a? :D Fantje!! :D
      Grem v Francijo napolnit baterije preden bo cas za pakiranje - bom potrebovala energijo, heheh ;)

      Srcica bisous !

  2. Nadam se da se sada osjećaš bolje kada si istresla to sve iz sebe. Papir trpi sve. :D

    O kako te razumijem, posebno onaj dio koliko to slobodno vrijeme znači nama koji živimo uz njih. Koliko samo ljudi misli da je ovo život za poželjeti, a ne vide se potruditi niti dio onih teških stvari.

    Ruski nogometni klubovi imaju "dnevni boravak" za svoje igrače. Svi oni imaju radno vrijeme osam sati. Ujutro se pojave u klubu, odrade prvi trening, slijedi slobodno vrijeme - takozvani team building, zatim ručak i novi trening. Tek tada mogu ići svojim kućama. Karantene prije utakmica i putovanja na gostovanja (a u Rusiji se čovjek naputuje) da ne spominjem. To je uglavnom najveći razlog zašto živim na relaciji Hrvatska - Rusija, a nisam stalno tamo kao u početku. Loše vrijeme, usamljenost, strani jezik, strani ljudi, grad koji ne nudi mnogo mogućnosti - idealna podloga za depresiju.

    A kraj teksta - svaka čast! :D

    1. Bas mi drago Ela, da djelimo ovaj nacin zivota zajedno.. puno je sve lakse kad nas je vise i kad razumijemo o cemu pricamo... Mogu zamislit da zivot u Rusiji pa i nije najlaksi, imam osecaj da si tamo stvarno odrezan od svijeta..
      Stvarno bi te volela upoznat ako dodjes u Köln, javi se pa te vodim u Vapiano moj fav restaurant ;)

      p.s. Nikako da dodjem do tvog bloga - ako idem preko profila tvog samo mi otvori Google + a ne blog.. zaljepi link molim te ;)

    2. Puno je lakše, čitala sam i tvoje ranije postove i pronašla se u svakome. A najbolje mi je što sve pišeš iz srca, s puno emocije i iskrenosti, i to cijenim. :)

      Rusija je, ma neću pogriješiti ako kažem, grozna za život. Ljudi su drugačiji mentalitetom od nas, gradovi su nekako sivi, tužni, beživotni. Baš tako kako kažeš, odrezan si od svijeta. Mislim da imam ideju za idući post. :D

      U srijedu ću znati dolazim li u Köln, onda ćemo biti pametnije za bilo kakve planove. ;)

  3. Thanks so much for this very funny blog. I like the idea of "team only".... you make my day :-)
