Tuesday, October 2


Fur Vest: Bershka / Sweater: Object / Leather Skirt: Zara Basic / Heels: Zara / Sunnies: Ray Ban

Dragi Oktober, komaj sem te pricakala in prepricana sem, da se bova imela noro! Uzivala bova v jesenskih dneh, se crkljala, smejala v druzbi fantasticnih ljudi, potepala po mestu, nakupovala topla oblacila in uzivala v gurmanskih specialitetah. Komaj cakam!
Upam, da vam je vsec, da me od sedaj naprej lahko berete tudi v slovenscini. Jutri me caka ogled Igorjeve tekme, druzenje z wagicami in ostalimi iz sveta rokometa v Rennesu, pred tem pa se latte machiato s puncami in najboljsi 'home made' muffini. Vas zanima kaksen bo moj jutrisnji "match look"? Objavim jutri takoj, ko bo mogoce.

Dear October! 
I am so happy that you knock on our door and I am more than sure that we will have a lot of fun together! We will enjoy in autumn days, pamper ourselves, smile in a company of great ppl, hanging around the city, shop last trend warm clothes and enjoy in delicious food. I can't wait!
Tomorrow on my timetable: watching Igor's home match against Dunkerque, socializing with wags and other ppl from the world of Rennes handball and before that - latte machiato and "home made" muffins with my girls. In case you would like to see my tomorrow's "match look", stay tuned and I will try to post it tomorrow as soon as possible.


  1. b&w ftw! =)
    tolk zgledaš srečna, like it alot! =)

  2. Lep kombinacija, kiklca ti ful pase :)

  3. Lijepa! :)
    Ja već čekam novi post. ;)

  4. Res lep outfit, tale flufy bel brezrokavniček top izpade skupj z usnjem :) Pa pohvale glede pisanja v slovenščini, tud jaz mal razmišljam v tej smeri :) xx

  5. Mnogo lepa suknja,volim kozu..:)))

  6. Prelepa!


  7. You look really great! And your style is fantastic. My favorite - your casual outfits.

  8. super crno-bela kombinacija! cevlji in krilo <3

    xo I.

  9. Šminka ti je uvek perfektna, napravi make up video:) Sjajna kombinacija, crno i belo je uvek odličan izbor:) <3
