
Wednesday, November 20

Every time when my little peanut celebrate his "little birthday" (this time his 3 one) I make a little photo shooting, so we will do a cute calendar in the end of his first year...

I don't know where I got this idea but I like it, I love taking photos and I love to be creative, so why not doing it... for memories.

In one way this 3 months passed so fast and in the other way it feels like he is with us from always.
He is the cutest little creature I know and he is such a good boy!
You should just see him how he loves to smile to his mommy and daddy and how active and full of life is he.
Such a magic gift of the Universe.

Momma's Bookworm?
Yes, if he will be a little bit like me, (well yes, and like daddy, too) he will love to read! ... and he will really understand how important are books for one's person growth and overall knowledge.
If he will be like his dad, he will love to read adventure, action and mystery stories and if he will be like his mommy, he will love to read mind, body and spiritual books, books about metaphysics and neuroplasticity (I know, you didn't expect that right ;)

The only thing I miss now when I am mum, is to have more time to read books. There is so many new books in my home library that are waiting for me.

Do you like to read? If yes, what kind of books?
Share with us some good titles of books that are for you "a must read".

Xx, A.


  1. Kako smo veliki već. Pravi je frajer! <3

    Ne znam od kada bi počela na ovu temu knjiga. :D Trenutno se čita The Preemie Primer: A Complete Guide for Parents of Premature Babies i uz nju nemam vremena za neku drugu. Iako imam nepročitanih knjiga na polici i sve mi se čini da će tako biti još jedno duže vrijeme. Nekako zadnjih godina više volim non-fiction knjige baš kao i ti. Toliko toga me zanima da imam vremena ne znam koju bi prvu dohvatila.

  2. Ma daaaa, vidis ti tetica kako mi rastemo! Upeavo od pediatra, sa 3 mjeseca smo veliki 65cm i tezki 6910gr ;)

  3. Super cute and a perfect idea for a family calendar! He's so precious! :)

  4. Bože što sam sladak, preeesladak! Dakle Anja, uz takvog asistenta ima da rasturiš na tim zadnjim ispitima. ;)
    Knjige, eh knjige, booooring. Tko je vidio čitati. ;D U zadnjih par godina pod 'must' mi prvo na pamet pada The Fault in Our Stars, John Green. Pročitala je u dva dana, odmah nekako kada je izašla, dok nije bila toliko razvikana. Ma baš knjiga za čistu desetku. Uglavnom i biram drame, nešto realno dok fantasy, paranormal,... nisu my cup of tea. A od non-fiction nema što ne volim čitati. Self development, povijesne, biografije, memoare, putopise i normalno sportske. I najdraže mi čitati u kadi, kupaonica postala knjižnica. ;)


  5. Ma što je sladak, ljepota prava!
    Ja ću se složiti da isto nema što ne volim čitati, većina mojih pokretnina su upravo knjige. :D Mene sada dodatno zanima koje su to nove knjige u tvojoj kolekciji koje čekaju svoj red. Ma zanima me i koje su tebi najdraže, neki naslovi. Nikad dosta dobrih preporuka. ;)

    1. Uh, nove knjige su sve na tematike beba :D Everything you have to know :D a ima i nekolko onih 'biznis' tema... izgradnja personal branda, itd...
      Moja najdraze knjige su Alkimist, The Secret, Brain that changes itself (to je neuroplastika), ... puno njih sto mi sada ne padaju na pamet :D
