Friday, August 3


My dolls,

first of all I am so sorry for this late update but I know you understand there are several good reasons for that - if you didn't know (but I am sure you know, since I repeat it for hundreds of time :D) we just moved to France in city called Rennes, if I am even more specific in Cesson, Sevigne. 
Igor started with hard trainings so there is a lot of work that is waiting for me in our new home... I guess you are a little bit curious how it is and what I can say is that I like it.. I like our neighbourhood, I like Cesson and also Rennes seems to be very cool city (I didn't see it a lot since we still didn't get our new car we bought).
I am just a little bit disappointed that our apartment is much smaller (there is still 13 cartons unpacked that I don't know where with them) then it was in Germany BUT it's totally new, modern and (I repeat myself) in really nice, new neighbourhood so in the end I am satisfied with that too - and it has beautiful walk zone by the river where I can walk with Tyson ... and hey, McDonald is just 5minutes walk away (but that's not good, I guess?! :D)
I still can't believe that our totally new building don't have basement ... (but that's a theme for some other blogs).
Taking in account everything - I am happy & satisfied (still a little insecure about France, French language, French people, French culture, ...).

So that is the biggest reason why I am not so up to date here on blog and the second and I guess also very important is that we don't have internet at home - and we have to wait for it until the end of the next week... pretty long, ha? 

In the end I want to say that I am very happy that I succeeded to post this few photos of one of my latest outfits and that I can share it with you.
As you see from outfit here isn't summer at all - or at least not summer as I am used to it (+30°). It's pretty cold and windy last days and I am really hoping this is just current weather since I love summer and I love summer in August - my fav month!

So, what do you think? I want your opinion about everything - about my outfit, about France, about moving, about your experience, want to hear from you!
Especially know when I feel a little bit "lonely" here in totally new country I need your support and feedback!

Love you so much and appriciate time you spend on my blog!!
Jacket / Mango
Dress / Old
Boots / Zara
Belt / Old
Bag / Bershka
Watch / Guess


  1. ful si luškana <3 želim ti, da se čim prej navadiš novga okolja, stanovanja itd. pa da čim prej osvojiš francoski jezik. :) xxx

  2. Uživaj ;) Pa luškana si full <3

  3. prekrasen outift. res, čisto v mojih barvah. obožujem ga in gotovo bom kaj podobnega poskusila za jesen. super zgledaš-.

    xoxo, Nina

  4. Lijepo je pročitati da ste se napokon smjestili. Vidim kažeš da si nesigurna oko svega, to je prirodno u tvojoj situaciji, samo se nadam da i tebe nije uhvatila depresija kao mene kada sam napokon raspakirala one najvažnije stvari i shvatila da je promjena ovdje i da mi nema druge nego za početak ići dan po dan dok se ne priviknem.

    Jučer je u Zagrebu bilo 37 stupnjeva pa mi je malo čudno gledati ovaj tvoj outfit, a tebi ako zafali sunca na mojim adresama ga ima i previše. ;D Ali outfit je odličan, haljina mi je pre, pre, sad me hvata želja da i ja neku takvu potražim. Bijelu, naravno. :D

    P.S. nadam se da je ono o gašenju bloga šala, da samo vidiš koliko će te nas nagovarati da to ne napraviš.

    Veliki kiss!

  5. Oh! Kako si lepa in fejst mi je všeč tvoj blogec (following).

  6. Draga Ania,ja sam tek otkrila tvoj blog, shame on me! Pročitala sam ga od početka do kraja i vjerujem da će mi biti neizostavno štivo uz jutarnju kavu! Jako zanimljivi postovi, još zanimljivije kolumne, divne fotke i još divnija ti! :-)

    Puno pozdrava! Gaby

  7. You have such a lovely style, your blog is really cool!
    I also like your pictures, very good .
    Nice work here ;-)
