Sunday, July 21

Video: Babymoon

Guess what?! Another video post!

If you have BF who really (I mean really!) likes to make short videos than you have a big collection of it and you just have to post and share it... It would be a shame not to.
I am happy he is such an enthusiastic "movie maker" because he captures all our memories in these short clips and it's so nice, to see after some time passes, what we were doing at a certain moment, certain city.

This video is from our Babymoon. I had already written something about it, here.
When there is a video no special words are needed. This vivid motion will tell you the story.

Enjoy it and if you have a little time, leave comment.
We would like to hear your opinion - about the video, about shots, about music, Babymoon, about just everything what you have to say!
Don't be shy, share your thoughts!

Take care and stay tuned!

P.s.: As you already know: watch it in HD, it's sooo much better ;)


  1. WAAAA !! So amazing !!! J'ADORE :)

  2. What a wonderful clip! You are both so blessed with different talents. Keep on going and take care. Big kiss. Uschi

  3. Woow Anja! Kot prvo prečudovita nosečka si, kar žariš.. kot drugo video je amaaazing, vidva pa sta pre-cute in vse pohvale Igorju za clip! Bom ocitno morala tudi svojega fanta aktivirat naj posname kaksen video, namesto 1000 slik :D

    1. Hvala za vse pohvale Sladji!!
      Je super tole Igor zmontiral, js pa super pozerka a? Hihi.. ja ti kr tvojga mal za rokav pocukaj da se tebe malce obcudujemo in tvoje kul outfitke!

  4. Ne pomaže mi ovo dok čekam svoj godišnji.. ;) Ako je prvi video bio čista petica, a je, ovaj je pet plus! A početak je prezakon.. :D

  5. Perfect you're so a beautiful parents!!!! Great idea!! We are so impatient to see babyAnic!! ;)
    bisous bisous mamy

  6. Joj Anja kok sta fajna, mi je blo kr toplo pr srcu, ko sem gledala video. <3

  7. Super je video, glasba, ideja in vse (: Še bi.. :P

    1. Obljubim Evelina, da bova se ustvarjala ;)
      Taksni komentarji nama dajo se dodaten zalet, hvala!

