Monday, February 20


My dear,

hear is a new concept of Ania'lysis project. Since I am doing this for myself, for my soul... but also for you, I would more then appreciate your opinion, your feedbacks on this concept. 
I try to make something what I believe I can be good at & at the same time something that can be interesting for you, for all of us. 

With your more than 16.000 views in a 3 months you show me you like it, but I want that you LOVE it... I want to provide for you an interesting everyday reading, useful informations, support system, photos that will make you wanna have same things, wear same things (oh, how much of you liked my glitter pants and wrote me about them :)) and visit places I visit. I want that Ania'lysis is more than just another blog, I want that Ania'lysis become your day to day guide. I want that it become inspiration for you and I want that YOU become inspiration for Ania'lysis.

C'mon... blow my mind, do some brainstorming with me and help me construct a "must read" page... tell me what you think.. what ever come on your mind... especially I am interesting what you think about "project "AHW" and about Guests section.. you are gonna be awarded for your feedback, one of you will get "Ania'lysis Goodie Bag"
Let's started... you have one week!

Love, Ania.


  1. Dear Ania,

    I really like your concept! To show all the different facets of your life, I think, is not always easy, but it is a great inspiration for all your readers.

    Especially the wags yolums is something that I really like. With this you can show all the non-wags, that it is not that "easy life", as a lot of them think it is! It's nt only shopping with your guys credit card, have fun with other wags and make party all day, like some newspapers try make us believe.

    With your blog you help all non-wags to understand that being a wag also has shady sides and is not a funny whole-day-party!

    What I really would love to read connected to your wag's column is something from the past... how you came to Germany, how you started to live here and your problems you had to face with your "new life" in Germany ;).

    Kind reagrds

  2. Hey! Finally all the exams are over and I can answer you again.
    I really like your ideas and I love that you put so much effort into this blog. I think your idea about "AHW" and Guests is making this blog better than just a "regular" blog.
    But I gotta tell you you are already inspiring me a lot. I had some hard months full of private problems and studying. Reading your blog was reminding me on taking some time for myself again and do something for me. First step I made this weekend going to get a new haircut. I hope in future you will inspire me more even about clothes. I like your style and want to see if some of your things will fit me too. So I will go on a shopping spree soon.

  3. Dobro si si to zamislila. Moram rečt, da ko sem prebrala tale koncept, me je bilo prav malo strah zate, hehe :) Ker je res zahteven, boš mogla vložit dosti truda in inovativnosti, da boš tole dobro speljala. Ampak vate itak ne dvomimo, si že dokazala, da ti zagnanosti in idej ne manjka :)

    Dobro si zastavila tale projekt... spominja me tak malo na revijo. Ko bomo brali tvoj blog, bo isto kot da bomo listali revijo. In to mi je všeč..da bo vsega po malo, ne bo boring in vedno o enemu in istemu, ampak se bo dotaknilo vseh področij, vendar bo pa vseeno obdržalo neko rdečo nit, in to je življenje wagice in življenje punce, ki se bori zase in hoče biti uspešna in BO uspešna! Svaka ti čast na vztrajnosti, res. Si nam lahko vsem inspiracija!

  4. Jst bom probala čist na kratko, jst te čezdalje raje berem ;-) Ne sam za serije, vidim, da mava podoben okus tut na drugih področjih... Skozi slikce sm opazla, da si pridobila krasno postavo, tko da kak prehranjevalno-športni nasvet je čist dobrodošel v kakem od naslednjih postov. Drugač pa keep on going, še več slikic, mode, kozmetike, potovanj in vsega fajnga, da lahko deliš z nami :-) Beremo tudi na fashion portalu v slovenščini, se že veselim naslednjega dela :-) Tko da, to je to. Kr tko naprej!

  5. Hi babe, this looks great, especially runaway & "AHW project" <3 it's inspirational in every way, so it will be awesome to know who inspired you on your way, so looking foward to meet the "guests" :))

  6. Hi Ania,
    I like your concept! Especially ( of course ;)) your Lookbook! But also your wag column is for me, as a big Handballfan, very interesting. Everyone can read that it is not so easy to be a wag.
    For me it will be great to read something about your past, Janna wrote it in her post,too, how was it to come to Germany so far away from your home country, where is it "better" Kiel or Gummersbach ( I hope Gummersbach:P) what are you doing, when Igor is on tour, something like this.
    I hope I help you a little bit :)
    Greets, J

  7. Hey hey :)
    Beybi jst spolh ne dovomim vate... tvoj blog je res prava inspiracija.
    Vsako inovativnost, ki jo boš vnesla v tvoje življenje, v tvoj sigurno, sem 100% super, fenomenalno, božansko...
    Imaš zelo veliko podpore... in tudi sama ti jo bom še naprej izkazovala. Super si Ania :)**
    Tvoj projekt je res super, dobro si si tole zamislila. Pritegnilo me je to, ker bo res pestro.. veliko novega in zanimivega.
    Lahko ti samo rečem GOOD LUCK... u know ur a lucky girl ;)

    LOVE, sandryca**

  8. Hey
    as you can imagine girls are talking about a whole lot of stuff an that's how I got to read your blog.
    A friend of mine told me to read it because she found it was really interesting.
    And so think I, I love the Lookbook as it seems our taste in fashion ist real similar, so I'm looking forward to read lots more written by you.
    Keep a "normal" girl as you are, that's very nice :-)
    Greatings, Becky
