Tuesday, February 21



Rosenmontag... a day in Germany, especially in Köln when you have every right to put your mask on (or off) and drink until you drop dead!
"Rose Monday" is a highlight of the German's Karneval which actually begins already at 11:11 on 11.11. every year. This day is not national holiday in Germany but anyway children are free of school and nobody really work. Kids get on the street and try to get as much sweets as possible and the adults do the same (but just try to get as much alcohol in their veins as possible). 
I really wanted to see this carnival, and to feel the pulse of this city on this special day with Igor of course. I wanted to have fun, to take a lot of good photos and meet crazy masks.. but someone (read: Igor and his team) ruined my plan (because they organized party on carnival including "men only")... but I really wanted to go so I pick up one of my friends and we went together in Köln.. and we have fun also just two of us! I found my old mask of Catwoman that I wore here and I put some leather on, so I get a little feeling of Rosenmontag :)
It was freaking cold and some of the boys were really drunk and not behaving like a gentlemen (drinking too much alcohol make them think with the wrong "head") so we didn't stay long.. but long enough to make some photos just for you, so you can get a little insight in a Rosenmontag. 
The only photo on which I am, is taken with d*ck, I cannot believe it ;))

Did you been on some kind of carnival? Did you wore mask? What have you been?

Love, Ania.


  1. luškana si bla in zanimive maske :) js se pa letos spet nism nič našemla,zmeraj pride kaj umes,ah well,next year :P

    1. Hvala* Ma js sm se pa mogla mal namaskarat.. ker ce ne bi bila tm edina brez maske, hahaa :))

  2. Hey! I think you made a great experience but to be honest. I don't like carnival that much. I'm a fan of wearing costumes like others ok. But carnival is, as you kinda said,all about drinking. Maybe I don't like it because I come from North-Germany and we don't celebrate it like this here. So no masks here or celebrations xD
    I hope you enjoyed your day and had a bit fun around all these drunk people.

    1. I enjoyed it... but I believe it would be even more funnier to have party with masks, since I am not really huge fan of crowded places..

  3. What's really nice about carnival are homemade costumes, I think. This year, I dressed up as a zebra with homemade ears, a tail and I even painted my own zebra shirt... zebra leggins made the look perfect and I got lots of compliments because it was self-made. My sis and me go to carnival every year and we actually start thinking about our costumes for the next year right after "Aschermittwoch". Plus, I love costumes that make you look silly - I wore a huge coat underneath my XXXL zebra shirt, so I basically looked like I weighed 100 kilos but it was fun, haha!
